Online psychological therapy

I provide a range of services that fall under the remit of Clinical Psychology, the main one being psychological assessment and therapy with adults for a wide range of issues (e.g. anxiety, depression, PTSD and complex trauma), often utilising EMDR and IFS techniques.

In therapy, you will find a safe, non-judgmental environment in which you can speak openly and confidentially about whatever is concerning you.


Please get in touch by email to find out if I can help you.


The first session or 2 might involve telling your story and the background to the issues you want help with. We will then work together to understand these more thoroughly.

Ongoing Work

Over time, and using a range of methods, we will try to establish which factors, past and present, might be contributing, and identify and strengthen the positives and resources you already have (even if you don’t yet know it!). Please see the sections on IFS and EMDR to learn more about the specific features of these approaches.

Planning the Future

Together, we will develop a sort of theory or map (called a psychological formulation) which will help us decide which steps to take to help you move forwards and achieve your potential. We will usually meet either weekly or fortnightly to start with, to gain some momentum. However, what happens thereafter can be tailored to your individual needs.

I am experienced in many theories and models (e.g. attachment, cognitive, behavioural and trauma-focused approaches, including EMDR and IFS). I bring all of this knowledge to my work and in helping us to understand your situation and possible ways forwards. This is often called an “integrative” way of working, and is particularly suitable for those who are looking for an individually-tailored approach to therapy. If you are autistic, or have another neurodivergent condition such as ADHD, you are even more likely to appreciate how important this is!

Why don’t you get in touch to find out if I can help you?